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In the Media

​Most have a hard time believing that this is actually real. They naturally think that something SO amazing must be known by a lot of doctors (physicians) if it is indeed true - and that they would all be talking about it out in the media.


But there is a very logical reason why more than 99% of doctors have no idea about this amazing technology - despite us going through this pandemic for the last 2 1/2 years: when it comes to physicians, we are not taught much of anything about UV light disinfection during medical school - except maybe a passing mention.


And as there are only 2 - yes TWO - prominent physician researchers in the U.S. who study this technology, it is no surprise that the entirety of the medical field has no idea. But those 2 physicians, and their other scientific allies - who are THE experts in the field -  HAVE tried to tell the public - in TIME Magazine, the New York Times, and CBS News, among other mainstream news outlets.


Since not many people, let alone physicians, took note of these articles, we are trying to bring you EVERYTHING you need to know here!


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Dr. Donald Milton (University of Maryland School of Public Health) talks with CBS News about Krypton "Far UVC" Lights.

Watch the full uncut video here:  ​

"The risks are minimal and the advantages of this technology are huge..."


More From The Media

An excellent Op-Ed where the experts are trying to tell the public that we have a BETTER way! These experts include the 2 physician researchers, as well as the former head of OSHA!

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A great article by Dr. Ed Nardell, MD of Harvard Medical School and School of Public Health. He is one of the foremost experts in the WORLD on UV light disinfection. This is a great discussion on all things about cleaning indoor air and quality indoor air technologies.

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A great article focusing on Krypton Light 222 nm "Far UVC" technology. Contains information and quotes from
Dr. David Brenner - Columbia University and
Dr. Kenny Wood - University of St. Andrews School of Physics and Astronomy.

Krypton Light Air Disinfection

This website has no affiliation with, nor do we represent or speak for, any company, specific product, or any persons or institutions referenced here.
Additionally, we have zero financial interest in any way with this technology or any company.

©2022 by Krypton Light Air Disinfection.

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