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History and Development

For close to 150 years, scientists have known about UV light being able to kill all viruses and bacteria. For over 100 years, UV light has been used to disinfect air, water, food, and surfaces.


The use of this great technology, though was limited in a major way: humans could not be exposed to the Mercury 254 nm UVC lights. They would definitely cause a sunburn and photokeratitis (an "eye burn"), and would possibly cause skin cancer sometime in the future.


But now, over the last 10 years, the development of Krypton 222 nm "Far-UVC" Lights, has changed everything. As it has never been able to cause any harm to humans, and we can now use it to disinfect the air BEFORE we even breathe it in!


Over last 3 years has seen an incredible amount of new research that proves WELL beyond any doubt, that these lights are SAFE and EFFECTIVE, and READY to be placed in all busy indoor public spaces, ending not just the COVID pandemic, but the entire "Pandemic Era" altogether!





A New Weapon in the
Fight Against Superbugs

-April 2017

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TED Talk Subheader - Ideas Worth Spreading - PS Mask.png

Dr. David Brenner, PhD, DSc - Columbia University
One of the World's TOP Experts Studying and Developing Krypton 222 nm ("Far UV") Lights

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How Ultraviolet  Light Could be Used to Fight the Flu
- February 2018

Dr. David Brenner of Columbia University has been telling the public about this technology in the mainstream since the Influenza Epidemic of 2018! - Well before COVID presented itself - but it works on it just the same as Influenza and every other virus!

"It really does have the best of both worlds - it really does kill influenza viruses and it really doesn't harm you and I... It will absolutely kill all of the viruses."


Key Research & Development Institutions

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Krypton Light Air Disinfection

This website has no affiliation with, nor do we represent or speak for, any company, specific product, or any persons or institutions referenced here.
Additionally, we have zero financial interest in any way with this technology or any company.

©2022 by Krypton Light Air Disinfection.

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